Meet the cast!


Not your average Pikachu, Pikacute has turquoise cheeks, purple at the top of her ears, and a heart on her head.

Personality: Attention wanting, kind, always acting cute.

Ash KA$H
Pikacute's trainer and always on the move. He isn't just a your favorite Pokémon trainer Ash, recolored. Ash Kash is more likely to get him self onto the stage and start rocking! Danger? He LOVES danger and mysteries! His Pokémon are:



Personality: Smart, always prepared for danger and adventure, a little attention wanting, and hates to lose!


Not like dawn, Dixie prefers to exclusive fashion, and fashion shows. Coordinating would be her toughest challenge, ever! So she prefers to Pokémon fashion shows, along with People fashion shows! Her Pokémon are:

Her Scorbunny

Personality: Adevia, always wanting more. 

Wait, are you talking about our Gym Leader Brock? No! This Brock specializes in Fairy Types. And his gym is in Saffron!

Personality: Kind, generous, and ready for adventure!

Molly is calm, never wants to hit the road to adventure! But when she meets Ash K, she never been calm since! Her strong suit is being a coordinator. She tries to help Dixie with fashion shows, but she always embarrasses herself on stage.

Personality: Only likes things "her way"


Enjoyed seeing your child-hood Pokémon trainers turn into something else?

There's more...


Gadget us a talented trainer, and unlike Goh, Gadget has a dream of befriending every LEGENDARY and MYTHICAL Pokémon! His Pokémon are:

Beat: His Grookey.

Detect: His Inteleon(Sobble and Drizzile for younger evolved forms). Detect and Pikacute made up a detective squad!

Score: His Cinderace(Raboot and Scorbunny for younger evolutions). Unlike when Goh's Scorbunny evolved into Raboot, Score was even more friendly then, then he is now!

Personality: Kind, generous, smart, talented.


Carol has a calm, and quiet nature, but won't miss out a chance for a dance off! She is not a competitive player at all! She also goes to checkers tournaments! She is known as the checkers champion! Her Pokémon are:

Yampsta: Small cute Yamper that loves belly-rubs!

VeeVoi: Her Eevee. Don't mix up VeeVoi for Miny-V! VeeVoi has a special tera type of all types. It's favorite move is Tera Blast.

Personality: Calm, quiet, exciting, amazing, kind, and LOVES Eevee's, Yampers, Pikachus, and Scorbunnys!

For the more on the PokéPopstars, visit the PopPokédex!