Look out for Miny-V and some more Re-made Pokémon!

 New sightings of a new PokéPopstar! Ash KA$H and Pikacute meet a ton of new friends!


1. Miny-V and Hash Mash

2. Bulbina

3. Charchewle

4. JinglePuff-Tuff

5. Squirto


When Ash and Pikacute were out in the forest, they run into a girl named Hash and a Eeeve called Miny-V. Miny-V and Pikacute both became very good friends. 

Miny-V specializes in raps and rhymes. Humans may not understand, but Pokémon love her to the top.


Being a PokéPopstar doesn't  just change music, it changes types to! This female Bulbasaur went from a Grass and Poison type to a Ground and Grass type.


Sparks and colors fly with Charchewle on the stage. Literally, Pikachu's make sparks and Charchewle is oddly enough a different color. But isn't a shiny... Strange?


It's JinglyPuff-Tuff! It's name is not spelled and doesn't sound like a normal JigglyPuff, and it's music either! You don't fall asleep! "It doesn't make you drowsy, but it makes you lively." - JinglyPuff-Tuff.


Not to much to say here. Squirto is just like a normal Squirtle, or is he..?